In China: Travel with Precautions

-Issues with China-


If you are scheduling a trip to somewhere for any reason, you should take precautions that I implore for your own safety. Knowing that you are going to explore regions that you are not familiar with should develop the idea that traveling alone implies danger. Knowing how to navigate around China should be your top priority of planning your visit. China is a dangerous region to visit because it is notorious for its very high population, very low wages for labor. And because of this, people become pushed to taking risks for extra income such as taking your belongings, your organs, and your identity.

-Never let your guard down-2

Let’s say for instance that you arrived at the Beijing airport and you are just amazed by what exists on the other side of the world. As you listen to the different dialogues of the Chinese language and observe some form of transaction made between a Chinese tea shop and a man, you are also involved in a transaction between you and a thief. Thieves in China are not ordinary thieves that you encounter in countries such as the United States of America and the like with guns. The thieves in China have a great deal of expertise with chopsticks since they have used them for so many years. The reason why chopsticks are of convenience to the thieves is because they are thin and have a long reach! A pair of chopsticks entering your pockets as opposed to a hand which is much larger makes a big difference. As it is thoroughly shown on this report of a thief named Wang Honbo had used chopsticks to steal a lady’s phone [2nd video]. As you may have noticed, the lady is riding her bike even after the incident has occurred. Moreover, the report goes on to another case involving chopsticks with “two dark-coated men” whom have also used chopsticks to pickpocket. To elaborate, reach is important when stealing because the human eye can only see so much that their peripheral vision is not able to notice two thin sticks from below and behind. Pickpocketing with chopsticks is an art that can be followed by, simply, most Chinese or, much broadly, Asian people because their culture frequently uses chopsticks as the United States frequently uses with forks and spoons. Although, only a few people have been caught on film, allow me to note that this was not caught on film by the government; it was filmed by casual people, for chopsticks are used by most if not all Chinese people meaning the equal amount can end up pickpocketing in non-urban areas.


According to the research conducted by World Population Review, China makes up 19% of the world’s total population numbering 1,392,472,656. This is crucial to know because this is the cause of a great lack of resources. In terms of the medical side of this country, “nearly 1.5 million Chinese patients require transplants each year but only 10,000 legally approved transplants take place.” This surprising ratio of those that are accepted to those who are not is extremely comparable. Because so many are not accepted, you can see why organ trafficking is a major issue within the country of China. There have been many rumors [aren’t always true] about Chinese adults kidnapping teens in its neighboring countries to sell their organs in the black market because teens have, supposedly, good health. In conclusion, people of China seek urgent help on the medical side because of the lack of resources. Organ trafficking is the illegal way of substituting for the lack that they have with organ transplants. Recently, according to CNN and NewYorker, a boy has his eyes gouged out by a his aunt [Zhang] in the Shanxi province of Northern China: “he saw that there were only pits where his son’s eyeballs should have been”  which indicates to us that people are wanting to benefit from utilizing organs to the black market for additional income or perhaps, as a new profession.      The article continues: “According to China’s Ministry of Health, some 1.5 million people continue to wait for transplants” which further indicates the critical need for organs in China, the reason behind this unlawful behavior of the people. This is a precaution that you should have to note that you should be aware of your surroundings and not travel alone without protection. You could be the next victim of organ trafficking so always look out for suspicious people and escape routes.


9 thoughts on “In China: Travel with Precautions”

  1. This topic was really interesting to read about. As a reader, I was completely unaware of this problem specifically. The information and evidence provided definitely helped me understand the mentioned cases. The factual statistics were convenient as well as the provided links. The idea of being pickpocketed with chopsticks was quite comical. Even though there have been recent instances of this happening, the probability seems minimal. Bringing attention to this dilemma is adequate. Overall this blog was different, yet enticing.

    A suggestion would be to enhance your concluding summary. Elaborating on the issue would be beneficial. Also, there is a run-on sentence toward the bottom of the first paragraph. I would recommend separating this large sentence into two parts. Breaking the large paragraphs (sections) up would truly help your audience.


  2. I found this topic real interesting. It is common that when people are poor they turn to theft but I had never heard of people using chopsticks to do it. The organ theft was also surprising. The statistics you included add to your credibility and the specific details of how it was taking place really help the reader understand how serious things are in the country.

    I like everything you included in your post but the only thing I would suggest you change is the layout you have. Your paragraphs are really big and making paragraphs will help it look neat and make it an easier read. Other than that it was a really good read.


  3. Good job on bringing a new topic out. A lot of people over look these kinds of things that are going on in the world. I like your writing style, you sure know how to get a readers attention. Adding statistics made me feel like i can rely on your information being legit. Job well done my friend.


  4. Great point of view and interesting topic. Many people traveling to China are not aware of the injustices that may occur. I liked the fact heavy portions of the post, as that is very important to your credibility. Before reading, I did not have much interest to go to china, but now, there is no way in hell you will catch me taking a vacation there. I wish included some images, at least one! I know that the topic is brutal but a disturbing informative picture would have been key for me. Otherwise, great post.


  5. I like this topic that you are talking about. I didn’t know these issues in china existed. For your mini headers make them larger and in bold. I also think that instead of the large paragraphs you should try to make those fall into other smaller headings too. To really make your blog stand out maybe you should add on some pictures to really make it pop. The hyperlinks are very useful and informative.


  6. If you ask me, stealing organs is the most heinous crime, and foreigners, in a country such as China, are very easy targets. They are distracted easily by new things and attracted to supposed “good deals”. They are not enough awareness campaigns or easy got-to travel tips to help tourist understand and bypass the dangers of a different life style. Thank you for the warning, if I ever go to China, I will make sure to be attentive and to not get lost in the thrill of travel.

    Little stylistic advice: try using a little more punctuation (commas and semi-colons) to structure you sentence to make a point of you sentence stand out or blend in (if I am making any sense to you). It will give your piece a rhythm and help your reader to follows your thought process step by step. Maybe try reading your piece out loud?


    1. If you ask me, stealing organs is the most heinous crime and foreigners, in a country such as China, are easy targets. They are distracted easily by new things and attracted to supposed “good deals”. They are not enough awareness campaigns or easily accessible travel tips to help tourist understand and bypass the dangers of a different life style. Thank you for the warning, if I ever go to China, I will make sure to be attentive and to not get lost in the thrill of travel.
      Little stylistic advice: try using a little more punctuation (commas and semi-colons) to structure you sentence to make a point of you sentence stand out or blend in.
      For example, instead of : “All the cars were blue of course we were in California.”
      Try “All the car were blue; of course, we were in California.”


  7. Fantastic job on bringing a new topic out to us. It is a shame that a lot of people over look these kinds of things going on in the world. I personally find it rather exciting the way you start off your first body paragraph. I can imagine myself looking around in Beijing, and I can imagine how the thieves would act out.

    I like your writing style you sure know how to get a readers attention. Adding statistics and links made me feel like I can rely on your information being legit. Watch out for grammar errors, you may just need a few more commas. Lastly, the lay out is rather plain, but you can simply fix it by adding a few pictures/charts, or just the format. Job well done my friend.


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